2008. május 27., kedd

DNS-313 troubles and a solution

I've bought a D-Link DNS-313 for backup purposes. This is a 1 disk network attached storage device, running embedded Linux. After unpacking the thing, inserting a HDD and turning it on, the installer refused to connect. I tried various installers without any success. After a couple of hours, I've decided to install everything manually.

Here is a list of things you need to do:
  1. Read the DSMG600 forum. 
  2. Mount the device using USB. And partition the drive according to this forum post.
  3. Install the embedded linux distro as described in this post.
  4. After that, you can boot the device in Ethernet mode, and log in using Telnet. This is a bit tricky though. You can login using name "admin" and an empty password. Or you can log in using "root" with the password "11111". In both cases however, you won't be given a login prompt. In order to get one, type: "5784468" and press enter.
  5. After all these, you still need to customize everything, set up samba properly, etc.

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